Monday, March 4, 2013

Getting Started with Paleo

Welcome to my blog!  The purpose of this blog is to assist new Paleo "dieters" on their journey to a healthier, happier lifestyle.  I am not a big supporter of diets as they are usually only temporary, instead; it is my hope that you adopt a Paleo lifestyle in order to experience the full benefits, not just weight loss (See image below and learn more here).   A basic definition of the Paleo diet is eating meat, vegetables, nuts & seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar.  We don't eat grains, dairy or legumes (beans).  Yes, we have cheat days and have made a few personal modifications such as enjoying natural sweeteners like organic honey and maple syrup in moderation (This is important to help you stick with it) but we have still seen incredible results!

On this blog, I will be sharing recipes that I cook in our home, tips and more about the benefits of living a Paleo lifestyle.  I try to pick recipes that are simple and easy on the budget but do be prepared to increase your grocery budget some as you will be buying more whole foods.  A lot of the recipes I will be sharing will come from some of my favorite websites below.  Go ahead and take a look through these, try out a recipe or two and share what you liked/didn't like:

WARNING: Many Paleo websites post enticing "paleo-friendly" treats. These should be eaten in moderation because any type of sweetener, natural or not, is still sugar and should not be eaten everyday, especially if you are concerned about weight loss!  Practice self control. :)

Multiply Delicious:
Against All Grain:
Civilized Caveman Cooking:
Nom Nom Paleo:
Balanced Bites:

Paleo/Primal Food Blogger Sharing Sites:
The Foodee:
Fast Paleo:

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